Important Dates
Full Paper Submission (Final Deadline): March 2nd, 2021Full Paper Submission (Extended Deadline): February 14th, 2021Full Paper Submission: January 31st, 2021Notification of Acceptance: March 31th, 2021
Paper Submission
Prospective Authors are invited to submit:
A two- to four-page camera-ready manuscript formatted according to the official IEEE template for conference proceedings (available for LaTeX and Microsoft Word software). Only PDF files are accepted.
Hard copies as well as papers submitted without or with incomplete copyright forms will not be processed. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference, including IEEE Xplore® Digital Library, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference.
Journal Paper
We are pleased to announce that the authors of the best ranked papers will have the opportunity to submit an extended version of their work for the publication in a special section of the IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT).
Best Student Paper Award
Papers authored by students are eligible for the SPI Best Student Paper Award, provided that the student is both the first author and the presenter at the conference. To qualify for the award, kindly provide along with your submission a nomination letter (only PDF files are accepted) written by the student’s supervisor and certifying that the paper is primarily the work of the student.
Submission Checklist
Please ensure that you provide the following documents along with your submission (all in PDF format):
- Camera-ready manuscript
- Nomination letter (only for the Best Student Paper Award contest)
Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. Instructions on preparation of IEEE Xplore compliant papers will be provided to authors upon acceptance. A full registration (or a student registration) will be required for each accepted paper to be published. A regularly registered author will be allowed to present up to two papers at the conference.